I was very excited to be able to carve some time to participate in Ludum Dare 50 last weekend. The game jam started at 9:00 PM EST on April first and ran through Monday April 4th. and the theme was “Delay the inevitable.” Right off the bat the story of King Leonidas of Sparta and the Battle of Thermopylae popped into my head. The idea of a small force fighting to their inevitable death in order to buy time for other soldiers to return home and prepare for the coming invasion sounded very much on point with the theme. I’ve also being wanted to work on a first person game designed around melee combat (similar to games like Vermintide).
In the end I developed a first person action game where you, the player, remain behind to defend a large gate that acts as passage to your homeland. There are three stone pillars with magic runes carves on them that power a barrier preventing the invading goblin army from gaining passage. Your goal is to protect the stones at all cost and kill as many goblins as possible.
I really enjoyed making this game and the feedback was really positive. I am looking forward to expanding on it in the future adding more characters, unique abilities, a bet UI experience, and possibly multiplayer into the mix.
Assets being used:
- Character Controller
- Graphics
- Animations
- Mixamo – Melee Axe Pack
- RPG Character Mecanim Animation Pack
- First person animations were made by me using UMotion Pro inside Unity
- Audio